
KTH Innovation mentor explains the importance of science commercialization

On 25 October, ISSP UL held a special workshop called "Commercialization and its importance in research" by CAMART2 partner KTH Innovation.

The workshop was led by the KTH Innovation business development coach Donnie Sc Lygonis, who explained the importance of commercialization of research results in the work of a scientific institution and in the daily life of researchers. During the workshop, the expert also shared examples from KTH Innovation and provided a methodology for assessing commercial potential that can be applied in the daily work of the ISSP UL.

Donnie Sc Lygonis is an entrepreneur, presentation skills trainer, business coach and innovation strategist for more than 13 years, who works with scientists’ ideas on a daily basis to help them reach the market and the end user. His work ranges from helping scientists with concept development and validation to the first deal with industry and the foundation of a start-up.